Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Purchase Of Alaska

This next political cartoon has to do with the issue of the Purchase of Alaska from Russia. Just by looking at this I can see two men "carrying" Alaska while in the background you can see a Russian solider with the money from the trade. I think that the author purposely made Alaska look like an iceberg cause many people saw the purchase as a mistake and that Alaska was nothing but a big iceberg. I feel like the cartoonist's message on this was that buying Alaska was a mistake and that we wasted our money on buying this. I know this because the cartoonist's did make Alaska look like an iceberg and there is a negative feel to the people dragging it to me. I can imagine where someone would say this is for the purchase but mostly this looks negative.
I feel like the cartoonist's used labeling for sure with the writing on the iceberg and the wagon saying treaty. Also I feel like the cartoonist's used analogy because the cartoonist's is comparing an iceberg to Alaska. This would more put me on the anti-imperialism side if I would of came across this.

"Mr Benson Quarter 3 Project." : The Purchase Of Alaska. N.p., 21 Feb. 2016. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. <http://isaacbarbap5socialstudies.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-purchase-of-alaska-issue-of-my.html>.

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